

Can Sediment Pollute?

Sediment is the #1 pollutant (by volume) in Indiana waterways! Different from a smokestack or sewer pipe (point source pollution), sediment is usually deposited over a wide area, which is why it is known as a non-point source pollutant.  In addition, sediment can have many other types of pollution attached to its soil particles.

The non-point pollution from construction sites can be mitigated through the use of best management practices (BMPs). These practices include silt fences or silt logs for perimeter protection, stone construction entrances and inlet protection devices. These and other practices are used by contractors to keep sediment and other construction related pollutants out of our waterways.

Stormwater and Sediment Pollution Inspections

The Marion County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD)’s primary responsibility under state law is to promote the wise use of soil, water, and related natural resources.  Soil erosion, and the resulting sedimentation, is one of our main resource concerns. The District works with city, county, and state regulators to improve sediment and erosion control compliance in Marion County through inspecting sites under the Construction Stormwater General Permit and providing technical assistance to contractors. 

The requirements of the Construction Stormwater General Permit apply to all persons who are involved in construction activity (which includes clearing, grading, excavation and other land disturbing activities) that results in the disturbance of one acre or more of total land area. In 2021 and previously, such sites were permitted under IAC 15-5 (Rule 5). The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) has provided information about the transition from Rule 5 to the Construction Stormwater General Permit on their website (see Resources, below). 

Most land altering activities in Marion County will also require a drainage permit from Business and Neighborhood Services, even if they are under one acre. As part of our work with the state, the SWCD conducts inspections and provides technical assistance to individuals whose projects have resulted in complaints from the public to the IDEM or the SWCD.

Submitting Construction Stormwater General Permit Information to the SWCD

The Marion County SWCD inspects all sites permitted under the Construction Stormwater General Permit in Marion County for erosion control compliance. To facilitate those inspections, project owners are required to send the following documents and information to the Marion County SWCD before any land disturbing activity begins. Please forward the following materials electronically to

  1. Approved Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
  2. A copy of the Drainage Approval Letter from the City of Indianapolis Department of Business and Neighborhood Services
  3. A copy of the Notice of Intent (NOI) sent to IDEM
  4. The name and contact information of the person responsible for SWPPP compliance
  5. A 48-hour notice before construction start-up

District inspectors are always happy to meet with project owners to discuss inspections or provide technical advice and assistance.

Notice of Terminations

Please refer to our NOT GUIDANCE DOCUMENT when you are ready to file.

SWPPP Reviews

Review of City of Indianapolis Owned and Operated Projects:

The Marion County SWCD is responsible for the review and approval of all Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans for City of Indianapolis owned and operated projects. To submit a project for review, please submit the following electronically to

  1. A draft copy of the Notice of Intent (NOI) to be sent to IDEM
  2. A copy of the construction plan
  3. The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and all attached maps, materials.

Review of Other Projects:

SWPPP review for private projects is typically completed by the City of Indianapolis during the process of applying for a drainage permit. The District does not review SWPPPs for private projects unless the IDEM or the City specifically requests that we do so.

The District does review SWPPPs for other entities/municipalities that cannot review their own SWPPPs, or projects that IDEM or the City directs to us for review. If you fall into one of these categories, the District charges a review fee of $1,000.00, payable by check. To submit a project for review, please send the following to

  1. A draft copy of the Notice of Intent (NOI) to be sent to IDEM
  2. A copy of the construction plan
  3. The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and all attached maps, material

You will subsequently receive instructions for mailing a check to the District. Please do not mail a check until a District representative has confirmed that it is appropriate for us to complete the review.

Technical Assistance

If you have a question about implementing your SWPPP, phasing of best management practices (BMPs), or a BMP that isn’t working as planned, we are happy to come out for a site visit and talk with you about problemsolving. The SWCD also conducts field verification inspections of sites that are ready to close out their permits, and can provide information about the process of filing a Notice of Termination if a permittee has questions about this process. You can contact the SWCD at, or through the contact form on our website.
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