Strategies for unused garden plots

Sometimes, a plot in a community garden goes unattended throughout the year.  No matter the reason, the result is often the same. Weeds grow rampant and scatter their seeds [...]

Strategies for unused garden plots2020-04-24T20:22:36-04:00

Take a Hike!

By: Cheyenne Hoffa, Urban Conservationist With gyms closed and social gatherings put on hold, it can be very isolating time. A 2015 Stanford-lead study published in the Proceedings of the [...]

Take a Hike!2020-04-02T11:12:33-04:00

MCSWCD 50th Annual Meeting

We are celebrating our 50th Annual Meeting on Tuesday, February 18th from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the John Boner Community Center, 2236 E. 10th Street. Please put us [...]

MCSWCD 50th Annual Meeting2020-01-31T09:47:27-05:00


Our partners at the Indiana State Department of Agriculture encouraged Indiana Soil and Water Conservation Districts to try some new things in 2019. Challenge accepted! Check out our list [...]


Healthy Soil Healthy Plants Healthy People

Join us for a fun fall tour of Bellfound Farm and a facilitated women’s workshop on healthy soil, healthy plants, and healthy people! Registration: This workshop is designed [...]

Healthy Soil Healthy Plants Healthy People2019-11-04T10:30:58-05:00

Get SepticSmart, September 16th – 20th

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has declared Sept. 16-20, 2019 SepticSmart Week! While the City of Indianapolis continues to work to extend sanitary sewer systems many of us (approximately [...]

Get SepticSmart, September 16th – 20th2019-09-17T10:31:21-04:00

A Tale of Two Rain Gardens

By John Hazlett; SWCD District Manager Last month our district saw the culmination of two rain garden “rehab” projects where we worked with a variety of non-traditional partners to [...]

A Tale of Two Rain Gardens2019-10-28T11:57:47-04:00
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