The Marion County SWCD Winter Workshop Series is primarily focused on how and why to establish hedgerows and about insect management strategies in vegetable production.  These presentations are virtual and free to join. Please register and join us for each individual session of interest.

Hedgerow Establishment and NRCS Program Support
JAN. 19th, 2021
12:00 – 1:00 PM Eastern
Presenters: Brianne Lowe (USDA-NRCS) and Dan Perkins (Perkins’ Good Earth Farm)

View the recorded webinar here

Do you operate a small farm or grow vegetables? You may benefit from having a hedgerow – whether it be for beneficial insects, pollination, or to grow agricultural products.

Brianne is the State Biologist with Indiana’s USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service State Office. Dan is a Certified Crop Advisor and Indiana market farmer with 18+ years of organic growing experience.

This workshop will cover hedgerow establishment and benefits from two perspectives. Brianne will talk about the ecological benefits of hedgerows as well as federal programs and funding sources that are available to help growers add or improve a hedgerow on their farm. She will also discuss the specifications and planting requirements to use these programs. Dan will talk through his decision-making process to add a hedgerow as a farmer. He’ll walk through why he is adding a hedgerow, how he’s preparing the site prior to planting, and the costs. Learn from these two about what you can do on your land, and the benefits to your growing operations.

Beautiful Bountiful Borders
FEB. 9th, 2021
12:30 – 1:30 PM Eastern
Presenter: Greg Monzel

View the recorded webinar here

Woody perennials provide benefits to soil and crops on farms and gardens.  Native trees and shrubs yield traditional foods, animal habitat and other added value that connects resource conservation and productivity.  We’ll explore species selections for central Indiana and the many uses, from edible fruits and nuts to baskets and biofuels.

Greg Monzel is a community herbalist and foraging instructor connecting people and plants at Wild Persimmon School of Wellness in southeastern Indianapolis.  Greg maintains an herbal health consultation practice and hand made product line in addition to teaching local and regional plant skills workshops.  He is also a trained permaculturist, 3rd generation organic gardener, and father, inspired by the wisdom of nature and guided by insight developed through his personal experience in the field.

51st Annual Meeting of the Marion County Soil and Water Conservation District and Presentation by Doug Tallamy
FEB. 16th, 2021
4:00 – 5:30 PM Eastern
Presenter: Doug Tallamy

View the recorded webinar here

Join the Marion County SWCD for our 51st Annual Meeting!  We are going virtual this year and our guest speaker is renowned author Doug Tallamy, professor at the University of Delaware Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology.  Doug is widely known for his book Bringing Nature Home: How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants and will be speaking about native plants and insect interactions.  The presentation and Q&A will be preceded by our annual business meeting with staff updates and highlights from 2020.  Don’t miss the opportunity to win surprise virtual door prizes as well-register today!

Insect Management Strategies in Vegetable Production
FEB. 24th, 2021
12:00 – 1:00 PM Eastern
Presenter: Laura Ingwell
Register Now via Zoom

Laura Ingwell is a Purdue University Specialty Crops Entomology Extension Specialist. Her program focuses on pest management in controlled environments and Urban Agriculture. Her interest is in understanding the role of natural enemies in pest management, including compatibility with pesticide use and eveloping integrated pest managment plans for market gardeners.

Laura will speak about insect management strategies in vegetable systems, covering the benefits and drawbacks of cultural and physical control methods including exclusion nets and insect scouting.

Funding support for these workshops is providing in part by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, the National Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts, and Clean Water Indiana. The USDA-NRCS is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.