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What is a SWCD Affiliate Member?
Affiliate members are individuals, groups or organizations who choose to financially support the work of the Marion County Soil and Water Conservation District. These funds help us continue to provide much needed technical assistance, education, workshops and programs to meet the needs of our county.
Why should I help?
The SWCD is a very small, nonpolitical organization which is easily overlooked. It is however uniquely qualified and able to assist landowners & small groups with land use problems – help they are hard pressed to find anywhere else. The SWCD is active in promoting wise land use and improvements in water quality through their soil health and other educational programs, workshops and publications. Education is key to long term progress in soil and water quality and has always been a high priority for this District.
Funding is needed to help continue erosion control inspections which are a critical part of improving and protecting water quality in the county. New construction, without proper erosion control, can release literally tons of sediment into our waterways each year. Sedimentation clogs drainage ways, is a carrier for pollutants and is detrimental to fish and other aquatic life.
For many of our lower income residents, it is not financially possible to hire private engineering and consulting firms to design and install drainage and erosion control practices on their property. In many instances our office can provide simple, do it yourself suggestions that will alleviate or minimize their problems. No other agency is able to do this for individuals and small neighborhood groups.
You can make a donation through the Donate button below or by downloading our form HERE and mailing it in with a form of payment.
Thank you so much for your support!