District Services
The Marion County Soil and Water Conservation District, a local unit of state government, provides technical natural resource management and conservation assistance to residents and municipal governments of Marion County.
The Marion County SWCD is located in Indianapolis,Indiana.
Hopefully you have heard the acronym “SWCD”, but just in case you haven’t, “SWCD” stands for Soil and Water Conservation District. Across the United States, nearly 3000 conservation districts – almost one in every county – are helping local people to conserve land, water, forests, wildlife and related natural resources. Conservation Districts were originally formed during the days of the Dust Bowl to combat the severe erosion problems caused by intense farming practices. Since that time, SWCDs have adapted to provide local assistance on a broad array of natural resource issues. They are local units of state government, established to carry out programs for conservation (the wise use of natural resources) for current and future generations.
Though all Soil & Water Conservation Districts are committed to conservation, each has its own special goals and objectives.
The mission of the Marion County SWCD is to assist Marion County land users in conserving soil, water and related natural resources by providing technical, financial and educational services.
Being located in the heart of Indiana and containing the state’s capitol, we are responsible for conservation leadership and promotion of urban natural resource solutions.
Conservation Services
Construction Site Inspections
Private Land Assistance
Conservation Planning
Technical Assistance
Cost Share
Backyard Habitat
Spring and Fall Tree and Shrub Sales
Conservation Planning
Drainage Assistance for Private Landowners
Planning Improvements
Rain Barrels/Rain Gardens
Social Media
The public is encouraged to attend our monthly board meetings, held at 4:00pm on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Occasionally, we will move the time up or back to accommodate other district business. To find out about this month’s meeting, please call the office at 317-786-1776.
Conservation Publications Available
Your Yard, Your Trees
Building With the Land
Commercial Service Providers
These publications are offered either free of charge or at low cost. Contact us to receive or purchase these publications.
Information Leaflets on a variety of topics from Backyard Habitat to Improving Drainage on Your Property to Streambank Erosion Control are available on our website.